Modern cellular networks are required to carry great amounts of data and are constantly required to provide a stable network connection so, it is vital to ensure your network provides the best service possible. Drive Testing measures and asses the coverage, capacity and QoS of your mobile network. It checks the deployment of a new network to ensure coverage, capacity and quality requirements are being achieved. We have extensive experience of working with and for operators using different types of measurement devices that are tailored to the specific requirements of your network.Our Drive Testing Service is powered by our inhouse smartphone-based drive/walk testing solution – Smart Testing Solution. The Smart Testing Solution by TNSS is a network intelligence automated solution with a key focus on simplicity, speed of deployment and cost-effectiveness.
Drive Test Services
TNSS Smart Testing Solution provides you with instant remote testing and real-time reporting:
- Simply install our app on any cellphone. Place it within the area through any convenient mode you choose to do so.
- Drive through the area or place within the test area.
- Monitor network progress remotely and access real-time reports.
- Quick reports make optimization even quicker.

Our Drive Test Services Include !
- Complete SSV/SSD Test
- Cluster Drive and Benchmark Drive
- In-building Coverage and Walk Testing
- Live Event Performance Testing
- Post processing of reports in customized format
- Real time reports for Single Site Verification, clusters and shakedown
- Real time Go No Go from customer before leaving the site
Our Drive Test Services Include !
- Complete SSV/SSD Test
- Cluster Drive and Benchmark Drive
- In-building Coverage and Walk Testing
- Live Event Performance Testing
- Post processing of reports in customized format
- Real time reports for Single Site Verification, clusters and shakedown
- Real time Go No Go from customer before leaving the site
TNSS Smart Testing Solution Benefits
- ETSI defined KPIs are used as thresholds in measurements
- TNSS approach reduces CAPEX and OPEX dramatically
- Smart App covers all parts of the network from Radio to Core
- Different variants for different needs
- Field-proven experts, troubleshooting and optimization algorithms
- Post processing of the measurement data ensures quality comparison and visualization of results
- Can be integrated in 1 week while competitor solutions may need at least 3 months to be utilized
- Multiple device control from single tablet (Bluetooth)
- Support for scanners over Bluetooth
- Controls 8-10 phones + scanner