Successful completion of Radio Network Redesign & Launch, VOLTE Readiness with Pro and Post launch tuning.
Worked in Partnership with Mobilitie for the Volte Readiness Launch in World’s Most Remote Location in Alaska, successful delivered Pre and Post Optimization that also included redesign of the existing network to remove overshoots and make nominal plan for any future sites’ requirements of coverage and capacity.
TNSS Global promoted the scale of Mobilite’s network by redesigning the network. VoLTE requires implementation based on a single technology and not undermined by diversity or fragmentation. TNSS carried out the services in a way that a community with millions of devices can be connected seamlessly.
We carried out intensive RAN auditing, drive tests routs and radio network functionality tests pre and post launch of the VoLTE solution. TNSS Global adopted a smart approach to maximize network performance. We aimed to enhance the end user experience towards voice and data services with all related applications.